It should be noted that this website is not a professional work and that all information in it should be regarded accordingly.

In the interests of improving the breadth and accuracy of the information given on this website readers are invited to use the CONTACT form to let the author know of corrections, alterations and additions that could be made to improve the quality and accuracy of the content.

This website is about material dredged from the English Channel, about 7 miles off Littlehampton, West Sussex, England, UK in 2011 as part of works to replenish the beach at Eastbourne, East Sussex.

Notably, the replenishment material included pebbles and cobbles of Mixon Alveolina Rock (Bartonian 37.2 – 40.4 million years ago), along with other material probably related to the geology of the Hampshire Basin, of probable origin in the Eocene epoch.

The purpose of this website is to examine that material.

Input from readers through the CONTACT form for the purpose of improving the information on this website will be very welcome.